Der California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), das neue Datenschutzrecht in Kalifornien, ist seit dem 1. Januar 2020 in Kraft.
Die amerikanische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) hat eine FAQ mit 10 Fragen und Antworten zum CCPA veröffentlicht, unter anderem:
«What is the California Consumer Privacy Act?
In a nutshell, the California Consumer Privacy Act (or CCPA) grants Californians three basic rights when it comes to their relationship with businesses: the right to know what information companies have about you, the right to delete that information, and the right to tell companies not to sell your information.»
«I don’t live in California. Does this affect me?
The CCPA only applies to consumers who live in California. But some companies, such as Microsoft, are applying the standards set by the CCPA to all of their customers. […]»
Bild: Pixabay / David Mark (12019 / 10261), Public Domain-ähnlich.